Most Car Dealerships Customers are repeat purchasers. In many cases upto 70% of sales are repeat customers.
Because of that you need to stay in touch to nurture the relationship you created when they first purchased a car from you.
This section provides exactly that.

Whether they are Individuals or Business, you can manage them in the same place. Unlike most other systems we also provide the facility for adding new Addresses (as people move) as well as retrieving old addresses. Perfect when chasing anybody up.
We have also created a Contact Group tool so you can assign a person or company to a group e.g. 4wd. you can create as many groups as you would like to and allocate contacts to multiple Contact Groups also. This allows you to contact groups via the Newsletter tool.

An example is contacting all European Car purchasers advising of a special or new model arriving and inviting them to a special event.
Since this makes it easier for you to contact so many people you will want to do so more often and keep that customer thinking of you for their next purchase.