Author Archives: admin

Why change to our system?

Posted ago by admin

This is a question everyone should ask themselves. Strange thing for us to say you may think but we say it because you should have good reason to make a change from an existing system to us. Let’s look at …

Free Website Hosting

Posted ago by admin

Many caryards have come to us to integrate our system into their website. During this process we have found some are paying anything from $20-$100/month for the service. In most cases we can host your website for you (we provide …

Search Engine Friendly

Posted ago by admin

We design websites that look good and are Search Engine Friendly. This includes W3C standard coding as well as Search Engine Friendly URL’s. What that means is if you look at your listing on your website and it has a …

Export to Trademe

Posted ago by admin

Simply select which vehicles you wnat to export where, update or save that list and then click on ‘Export’. No re-keyying info again, no typo’s, no wasting time. Unlike desktop solutions that can take up to 30 minutes to complete, …

Clean Professional Design

Posted ago by admin

Once at the vehicle you want you can select the finance term, print it in a userfridnely PDF format, Send it to a friend to look at and even add it to your Facebook walal for all to see and …

User Friendly

Posted ago by admin

Most people aren’t computer geeks like us. They want to be able to find a selection vehicles they want quickly and easily. Too complicated and they will move on. We have been very careful with our listing design and layout …

Unlimited Listings / Photos

Posted ago by admin

We provide you Unlimited Listings and Photos so you arent limited by the number of photos you may want to use when highlighting out the detail or your vehicle. Sometimes a handfull will be fine but in some instances you …

Fuelsaver and Motorweb

Posted ago by admin

Fuelsaver and Motorweb. Our administration system provides automated input of data straight from the Government Agency Sources. Not only does this save time but also avoids any costly keyying errors. Simply click on the ‘Load from Fuelsaver’ button after entering …

W3C Web Standards

Posted ago by admin

What is W3C Web Standards? Here’s the wikipedia definition In application with website coding it is a standard of good practise and coding. At first you may think, well if it works whats the need to look pretty for the sake of …

6 x Google Listing

Posted ago by admin

That’s right, each car will be indexed 6 times with Google. that’s 6 times the chance of people finding your vehicle online. Caryard Solutions is a unique system in that all of your displayed listings will be indexed by Google …